25 listopada 2019

Na początek tygodnia - przesłanie Polar

Przesłanie na ten tydzień poleca Polar

New week comes with new opportunities and challenges.
Stay focused, maintain positive attitude and anything will be...
Opublikowany przez Polar 
Przesłanie na ten tydzień

Norway: Sula Island 

How to learn English correctly - Learn with British Council - A request from your boss

A request from your boss
Look at this lesson - link below
A request from your boss

Poland: Centre of Puck

What can I help you with?
What can I do to help?

Prepare some things

Send an email to the customer

Visit the customer
to visit the customer

Reserve a meeting room
to book a meeting room

Invite people to the meeting
Invite everyone
Invite everyone to the next 
Invite everyone to the next team meeting
team meeting

Write a report
a new project
write a short report
write a short report about a new project

Give a presentation
I have to give a presentation
give a presentation to our managers

sometime in a next week

L customer
- someone who buys goods or services from a shop, company etc

C customer
- a person or organization that buys goods or services from a shop or business:
- a satisfied customer
- Mrs Wilson is one of our regular customers.

priority (n)
C - something that is very important and that must be dealt with before other things
- It's a priority and very urgent.
L - the thing that you think is most important and that needs attention before anything else
- The club’s priority is to win the League.

It's not too urgent.

Do you sometimes help other people with their work?
What do you do for them?

Narzędzia Google pomagają w życiu

W dobie informacji trzeba nauczyć się tego co daje Google
Uczmy się tego i wykorzystujmy, aby poprawić poziom naszego życia.

Jak Google może pomóc

Norway: More og Romsdal

22 listopada 2019

How To Learn English Correctly - Learn with British Council

From today for the next week I will learn English listening
with the best page and the best dictionaries.
Today lesson is:
A request from your boss

Off course with British Council
Cambridge Dictionary  and

So let's start.

NORWAY: More og Romsdal

- Do this first.
- It's important
- This is a priority.

Not urgent:
- There's no hurry.
- Take your time.
- Do it when you have time.

21 listopada 2019

Ile kroków trzeba robić codziennie

Ile kroków trzeba robić codziennie, aby zachować zdrowie?
Ciekawy artykuł z zaleceniami Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia


Gdyby się wam nie chciało czytać to: minimum 10 000 kroków.

Poland: Beach in Gdańsk-Brzeźno in autumn

Z Gdańska do Rumi - rowerem

Today I was on a bicycle trip.
From Gdańsk to Rumia.
I took the train to Gdańsk.
I stayed on the beach in Brzeźno and Sopot.
I took several photos and two videos.
This is my path on the map and animation.
If I made mistakes, correct me.
Poland: Beach i Gdańsk Brzeźno

Poland: Widok na Molo

20 listopada 2019

Women's Football Weekend: Record attendances | Premier Skills English

Women's Football Weekend: Record attendances | Premier Skills English:

Chelsea stay top but Arsenal and City are close behind.

Stacja Kultura w Rumi - koncert

Koncert zespołu Cherry/Skolik Project+
Lubię te klimaty, ale az takim fanem nie jestem.
Chyba, że jest nastrój. Jak jest to ta wspaniała
muzyka nadaje sie doskonale jako podkład do ...
no wiecie do czego ... e tam nie wiecie ...
To posłuchajcie.
Link do filmu poniżej

18 listopada 2019

How to learn English - Learn English with British Council - Part 4

I think British Council is the best way to learn English.
Now I am learning a lesson about Sherlock Holmes.
This is a link to the lesson:

I learn with the help of the best dictionaries:

His creator, Conan Doyle, visited police museums
to gain inspiration for his stories.

gain (verb) US UK  /ɡeɪn/ GET [ T ]
C - to get something useful or positive:
The country gained independence in 1948.
L - to obtain or achieve something you want or need
gain(v) - zdobyć, osiągnąć
to gain inspiration for his stories

Alan Moss is a former policeman and historian
former adjective [ always before noun ] US UK  /ˈfɔːmər/
C - happening, existing, or true in the past but not now:
former President Bill Clinton
L - happening or existing before, but not now

He was really interested in real-life crimes, but actually
making those crimes into a really good story.

It looks like he’s going to continue being a popular
fictional character for many more years to come. 
… że nadal będzie … przez wiele kolejnych lat

I wonder what Sherlock would make of today’s forensic
work and policing techniques.
Zastanawiam się, co Sherlock zrobiłby z dzisiejszych
technik kryminalistycznych i technik policyjnych.

wonder verb US UK  /ˈwʌndər/
C - to want to know something or to try to understand
the reason for something:
I wonder what he's making for dinner.
I wonder why she left so suddenly.
I wonder if he'll get the job.
The children are very quiet. I wonder what they're doing.
wonder - zastanawiać się
L - to think about something that you are not sure
about and try to guess what is true, what will happen etc
What are they going to do now, I wonder?

I guess we’ll never know.

I guess - chyba

Norway, More og Romsdal

16 listopada 2019

Learn English with British Council - Sherlock Holmes - 3

Norway, Moere og Romsdal

The link to the recording is at the end of this page

- C to move around a place without any purpose:
Who is the most famous fictional detective to have roamed the streets of London?
- L to walk or travel, usually for a long time, with no clear purpose or direction
You shouldn’t let your children roam the streets.
Tourists love roaming about the old town.

named after him
There’s a pub named after him.

C - pop in/out/over - to go to a particular place:
I'll pop into the supermarket on my way home.

L - to go somewhere for a short time
pop in/out/by etc
I need to pop into the drugstore for a second.

pop in (pv) - wpaść, zajść, skoczyć ( z krótką wizytą)
Let’s pop in.

supposed(adj.) - przypuszczalny

study(n) - gabinet (pomieszczenie przeznaczone do nauki lub pracy zawodowej)
Sherlock Holmes’ study

C - a room in a house where you can read, write, etc
L - a room in a house that is used for work or study

The pub even has its own room which is supposed to look like Sherlock Holmes’ study
with his famous pipe and laboratory instruments for his forensic or scientific approach
to solving crimes.

He was famous for his forensic or scientific techniques.
to solve crimes

C - relating to scientific methods of solving crimes:
forensic evidence
L - relating to the scientific methods used for finding out about a crime
forensic evidence/science/medicine etc
a forensic expert
forensic (adj.) - śledczy, kryminalistyczny
forensic approach

C - relating to science, or using the organized methods of science:
scientific experiments/research
L - about or relating to science, or using its methods
scienttific(adj.) - naukowy

C - a way of doing something:
- Liam has a different approach to the problem.
L - a method of doing something or dealing with a problem
approach to
 - a new approach to teaching languages
approach(n) - podejście, metoda (sposób robienia czegoś)

The Sherlock Holmes Society of London

C - ORGANIZATION [ C ] B2 - an organization for people who have the same
interest or aim:
- the London Zoological Society
L - CLUB [countable] an organization or club with members who share
similar interests, aims etc
society(n) - społeczeństwo, towarzystwo

He’s a hero, but he’s a flawed hero in a way.
C - a flawed argument
L - spoiled by having mistakes, weaknesses, or by being damaged
 a flawed concept
flawed(adj.) - błędny, wadliwy

in a way = in one way
C - in a way/in many ways B2
used to say that you think something is partly true:
In a way his behaviour is understandable.
in a way - w pewnym sensie

He doesn’t have superpowers in the way that, say, Superman does or the Marvel Avengers.
in the way - w pewien sposób

They’re very well written and they’re tremendous fun to read.
tremendous(adj.) - niesamowity, świetny, wspaniały
C - tremendous - US UK  /trɪˈmendəs/ GOOD - extremely good:
I think she's doing a tremendous job.
L - excellent
 She’s got a tremendous voice, hasn’t she?


Trójmiejski Park Krajobrazowy rowerem

Today I was at the Tri-city Landscape Park again.
I used my Polar M200 ( thanks Paula and Damian ).
It was Steady state training+
This training improved my aerobic fitness. It also improved the endurance of the working muscles by enhancing blood circulation to them. The training duration was long enough to increase fatigue resistance at the used speed. Carbohydrates are the main energy source thay my body uses at this training intensity.

I love it. Bike is like a freedom.

13 listopada 2019

Learn English with me and British Council - Sherlock Holmes - Part 2

Poland: Rekowo Górne
1. lead - led - led (v)

C - to show someone where to go usually by taking them to a place or by going in front of them
She led them down the hall.
L - to go in front of a line of people or vehicles
A firetruck was leading the parade.

More than a hundred years ago when people travelled by horse and cart and the foggy streets were lit by gaslight one famous detective was leading the fight against crime.

2. character (n)

3. associated ( adj.)

But not all the famous characters associated with London were real.

4. fictional ( adj. )
the fictional character

The fictional character of Sherlock Holmes has been popular ever since he was created by author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in the late 1800s

5. appear (v) - pojawiać się, ukazywać, wystepować ( np. na scenie filmowej )
opposite: disappear
C - to start to be seen
Then a bright light appeared in the sky.
L - film/TV programme etc. [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to take part in a film, play, concert, television programme etc
appear in a film/play
She has already appeared in a number of films.
appear on television/stage
appear at a theatre etc

Since then, Holmes has appeared in many films.
Present Perfect Tense

6. blockbuster ( n)
C - a book, film, etc that is very popular and successful:
a new blockbuster movie
L - informal, a book or film that is very good or successful
the latest Hollywood blockbuster

... from black-and-white classics to Hollywood blockbusters and TV dramas.

7. evidence ( n) evidence of himC - something that makes you believe that something is true or exists:evidence of global warming
L - [uncountable] facts or signs that show clearly that something exists or is true
- evidence of
At present we have no evidence of life on other planets.
- evidence for 
There is no evidence for these claims.
- evidence that 
Do you have evidence that this treatment works?

Even though Sherlock Holmes wasn’t a real person, you can find evidence of him all over London.

8. all over sth - w całym, w każdej części czegoś
L - everywhere in a place  
People came from all over the country.
C - in every place:Lee has travelled all over the world.

09 listopada 2019

How to learn English - Learn English with British Council - Sherlock Holmes -part 1

I think I am ready to learn English with British Council - the best way to learn English.
I will be doing this lesson for a week.
Language level: Intermediate B1
I use the Cambridge and Longman dictionaries

Poland, Sunset in Rumia
Lesson link below

Sherlock Holmes

But not all the famous characters associated with this city were real.

the streets of London

full of history

more than a hundred years ago

horse and cart
cart ( Cambridge dictionary ) - a vehicle with either two or four wheels, pulled by a horse and used for carrying goods
cart ( Longman ) - a vehicle with no roof that is pulled by a horse and used for carrying heavy things

foggy streets
foggy (CD) - if the weather is foggy, there is fog
a foggy day in November

lid by gaslight
lid - pokryte
gaslight CD - the light produced from burning gas
gaslight L - a light that uses gas as fuel, or the light that is produced by this

famous detective

was leading the fight against crime
He was leading the fight .. - prowadził walkę ...
lead - led - led
He led the fight against crime

Victorian London