16 listopada 2019

Learn English with British Council - Sherlock Holmes - 3

Norway, Moere og Romsdal

The link to the recording is at the end of this page

- C to move around a place without any purpose:
Who is the most famous fictional detective to have roamed the streets of London?
- L to walk or travel, usually for a long time, with no clear purpose or direction
You shouldn’t let your children roam the streets.
Tourists love roaming about the old town.

named after him
There’s a pub named after him.

C - pop in/out/over - to go to a particular place:
I'll pop into the supermarket on my way home.

L - to go somewhere for a short time
pop in/out/by etc
I need to pop into the drugstore for a second.

pop in (pv) - wpaść, zajść, skoczyć ( z krótką wizytą)
Let’s pop in.

supposed(adj.) - przypuszczalny

study(n) - gabinet (pomieszczenie przeznaczone do nauki lub pracy zawodowej)
Sherlock Holmes’ study

C - a room in a house where you can read, write, etc
L - a room in a house that is used for work or study

The pub even has its own room which is supposed to look like Sherlock Holmes’ study
with his famous pipe and laboratory instruments for his forensic or scientific approach
to solving crimes.

He was famous for his forensic or scientific techniques.
to solve crimes

C - relating to scientific methods of solving crimes:
forensic evidence
L - relating to the scientific methods used for finding out about a crime
forensic evidence/science/medicine etc
a forensic expert
forensic (adj.) - śledczy, kryminalistyczny
forensic approach

C - relating to science, or using the organized methods of science:
scientific experiments/research
L - about or relating to science, or using its methods
scienttific(adj.) - naukowy

C - a way of doing something:
- Liam has a different approach to the problem.
L - a method of doing something or dealing with a problem
approach to
 - a new approach to teaching languages
approach(n) - podejście, metoda (sposób robienia czegoś)

The Sherlock Holmes Society of London

C - ORGANIZATION [ C ] B2 - an organization for people who have the same
interest or aim:
- the London Zoological Society
L - CLUB [countable] an organization or club with members who share
similar interests, aims etc
society(n) - społeczeństwo, towarzystwo

He’s a hero, but he’s a flawed hero in a way.
C - a flawed argument
L - spoiled by having mistakes, weaknesses, or by being damaged
 a flawed concept
flawed(adj.) - błędny, wadliwy

in a way = in one way
C - in a way/in many ways B2
used to say that you think something is partly true:
In a way his behaviour is understandable.
in a way - w pewnym sensie

He doesn’t have superpowers in the way that, say, Superman does or the Marvel Avengers.
in the way - w pewien sposób

They’re very well written and they’re tremendous fun to read.
tremendous(adj.) - niesamowity, świetny, wspaniały
C - tremendous - US UK  /trɪˈmendəs/ GOOD - extremely good:
I think she's doing a tremendous job.
L - excellent
 She’s got a tremendous voice, hasn’t she?


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