13 listopada 2019

Learn English with me and British Council - Sherlock Holmes - Part 2

Poland: Rekowo Górne
1. lead - led - led (v)

C - to show someone where to go usually by taking them to a place or by going in front of them
She led them down the hall.
L - to go in front of a line of people or vehicles
A firetruck was leading the parade.

More than a hundred years ago when people travelled by horse and cart and the foggy streets were lit by gaslight one famous detective was leading the fight against crime.

2. character (n)

3. associated ( adj.)

But not all the famous characters associated with London were real.

4. fictional ( adj. )
the fictional character

The fictional character of Sherlock Holmes has been popular ever since he was created by author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in the late 1800s

5. appear (v) - pojawiać się, ukazywać, wystepować ( np. na scenie filmowej )
opposite: disappear
C - to start to be seen
Then a bright light appeared in the sky.
L - film/TV programme etc. [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to take part in a film, play, concert, television programme etc
appear in a film/play
She has already appeared in a number of films.
appear on television/stage
appear at a theatre etc

Since then, Holmes has appeared in many films.
Present Perfect Tense

6. blockbuster ( n)
C - a book, film, etc that is very popular and successful:
a new blockbuster movie
L - informal, a book or film that is very good or successful
the latest Hollywood blockbuster

... from black-and-white classics to Hollywood blockbusters and TV dramas.

7. evidence ( n) evidence of himC - something that makes you believe that something is true or exists:evidence of global warming
L - [uncountable] facts or signs that show clearly that something exists or is true
- evidence of
At present we have no evidence of life on other planets.
- evidence for 
There is no evidence for these claims.
- evidence that 
Do you have evidence that this treatment works?

Even though Sherlock Holmes wasn’t a real person, you can find evidence of him all over London.

8. all over sth - w całym, w każdej części czegoś
L - everywhere in a place  
People came from all over the country.
C - in every place:Lee has travelled all over the world.

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