09 listopada 2019

How to learn English - Learn English with British Council - Sherlock Holmes -part 1

I think I am ready to learn English with British Council - the best way to learn English.
I will be doing this lesson for a week.
Language level: Intermediate B1
I use the Cambridge and Longman dictionaries

Poland, Sunset in Rumia
Lesson link below

Sherlock Holmes

But not all the famous characters associated with this city were real.

the streets of London

full of history

more than a hundred years ago

horse and cart
cart ( Cambridge dictionary ) - a vehicle with either two or four wheels, pulled by a horse and used for carrying goods
cart ( Longman ) - a vehicle with no roof that is pulled by a horse and used for carrying heavy things

foggy streets
foggy (CD) - if the weather is foggy, there is fog
a foggy day in November

lid by gaslight
lid - pokryte
gaslight CD - the light produced from burning gas
gaslight L - a light that uses gas as fuel, or the light that is produced by this

famous detective

was leading the fight against crime
He was leading the fight .. - prowadził walkę ...
lead - led - led
He led the fight against crime

Victorian London

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