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Którego dzisiaj mamy?
What date is it today?
What date is it today?
Dzisiaj jest 16 kwietnia 2017.
Today is the sixteenth of April two thousand and seventeen.
Today is the sixteenth of April two thousand and seventeen.
Wczoraj był 15 kwietnia 2017.
It was the 15th of April 2017.
Jutro będzie 17 kwietnia 2017.
It will be the 17th of April 2017.
It will be the 17th of April 2017.
Jutro będzie poniedziałek, 17 kwietnia.
It will be Monday tomorrow, the 17th of April.
It will be Monday tomorrow, the 17th of April.
Jaki dzień mamy dzisiaj?
What day is it today?
What day is it today?
Dziś jest niedziela.
Today is Sunday.
Today is Sunday.
Jaki dzień mamy jutro?
What day is it tomorrow?
What day is it tomorrow?
Jutro mamy poniedziałek.
Tomorrow is Monday.
Tomorrow is Monday.
Jaki dzień był wczoraj?
What day was it yesterday?
What day was it yesterday?
Wczoraj była sobota.
Yesterday was Saturday.
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